When you earn VP each month, these are either action points or sales points. This is important when you start thinking of becoming a Team Leader.

   You earn Sales Points when you make sales or purchases at TripleClicks. To be a team leader, you need a minimum of 1500 sales VP. A maximum of 2000 sales points count toward your Team Leader status. See the chart

VP Needed
Sales Points
Action Points
0000 - 1500
0000 - 1500
Bronze TL
3000 - 3999
1500 - 2000
1000 - 1500
Silver TL
4000 - 4999
1500 - 2000
2000 - 2500
Gold TL
5000 - 5999
1500 - 2000
3000 - 3500
Platinum TL
1500 - 2000

   To prevent SFI affiliates from buying their Team Leader status, you need to earn a certain amount of action points. If you are doing your daily To-Do List and building your downline, this is achievable. Your daily (330VP) and weekly (152VP) points will bring you almost up to 500VP, half of what you need to become a BTL. Then if you help five of your PSAs attain EA2 each month, you should be almost there.

   In order to be a Team Leader, you also need to have sales. Purchases must be made from TripleClicks - either your own purchases or purchases made by your TC referrals. SFI is an affiliate program for selling TripleClicks products and that is how we all make commission. This is why many of the most powerful Team Leaders at SFI have standing orders and make their own purchases there. It is "our" store.