1. Use SFI’s various Marketing
Aids, like banners, text ads, x-cards, e-cards, social networking promos,
splash pages, flyers, post cards etc.
2. Tell your family, relatives and friends.
3. Tell your social site friends circle, like Google+, Facebook,
Twitter, Skillpages, Linkedin etc.
4. Collect mail addresses and invite them.
5. Give comments in blogs and leave your link.
6. Open free sites and begin blogging about your business. There are
many serves give you chance, like blogger, wordpress, webs etc.
7. Start text ads. Search in google for the sites who allow you text
8. Plug in to S-Builder, SFI’s global advertising co-op.
These are
just examples that help you to get Affiliates free of cost. There are many
other ways, where you have to give a little cost, but you get a huge Affiliate.
SFI’s member home page you will get the details about it.
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